90km Hobbit Journey

The notoriously difficult classic. Just 35 nutters are accepted to run the full Amathole Hiking Trail over 2 days with an overnight stay at Cata Mountain Hut.

90km / 2 days / 4800m elev gain / 4100m elev loss

The Big One

Fri 25 April 2025 and Sat 26 April 2025

The Hobbit 90km Journey is a personal one.
It’s about self-sufficiency and solitude, as well as wonderful camaraderie. It’s rugged and ruthless and demands A LOT from the legs and head - but gives back a surreal sense of satisfaction.

It’s a proper tough weekend in the mountains and applicants for the Hobbit Journey must submit proof of relevant experience and motivation before acceptance

Run the six day Amathole Hiking Trail in two solid days out, traversing 90km of mostly single-track mountain paths, passing UP and DOWN through indigenous forest, plantations and mountain grasslands with a total elevation gain of 4800m and drop of 4100m.

Spend the night of Day 1 at Cata Hut, the basic wooden hikers’ facility high up in the mountain. There are four rooms with bunk beds and external ablution facilities with a rustic (also spelt rusty) donkey boiler for hot water showers.

Our staff and your overnight bag will be there along with warm food and fire. Snacks and drinks are available all day and a hearty dinner is prepared by the crew. Breakfast is on offer before dawn for an early start to Day 2.

After sunrise and a whole lot more climbing, cursing and river crossings, the Journey route meets that of the competitive 42km Mountain Marathon race and the last 20km is route marked, with 3 water tables, to finish back in Hogsback village. After which a celebratory rehashing of stories and prize giving is shared at the Arminel restaurant.

  • See HERE for route profile, split times and map

    Painted yellow footprints indicate the Amathole trail that you will be following.

    DAY 1


    Starting at the Maden Dam parking spot the trail takes you round the dam, into the forest and along the banks of the Buffalo River. Cross an old trestle bridge and continue heading up the trail. You will take a right turn off the jeep track and head back on the path as it climbs steeply, eventually reaching Gwili Gwili after crossing two further forestry roads. This section can be very slippery in places after rain.
    Basic watertable.

    CP 1 ➡ CP 2 ➡CP 3 (GWILI GWILI TO DONTSA – 18 km)

    This section is predominantly through moist indigenous forests making the occasional view of the surrounding countryside all the more enjoyable. Take a moment to hug one of the huge yellowwoods! Approximately 12km from Gwili, you will cross the district road (CP2) where the CUT OFF will be at 12h00. There is no easily accessible water on this section. CP3 is at Dontsa Hut with a CUT OFF at 13h30 and a watertable.

    CP 3 ➡ CP 4 ➡ FINISH (DONTSA TO CATA HUT - 17 km)

    The trail gradually winds up to the foot of a moss covered waterfall, after which it climbs steeply leaving the forest as it levels out heading in a westerly direction along a mixture of jeep and single track. 5kms from Dontsa, the path will split. The old route over Doornkop is no longer viable. Continue on the lower, left path which will contour you around Doornkop before dropping into the Cata Valley.

    At the bottom of the descent, take the right, upper path - marked Upper Amathole route to Cata Hut. The path crosses the river and climbs again for 1.5km before emerging into pine forests and onto the jeep track. The trail follows the track for just under a km to CP 4 with a watertable. From here you follow the trail UP, through "waterfall forest" heading up to Cata Hut. Just before Cata the trail climbs steeply up the left hand side of a waterfall.
    If you make it up that, you can then smell your jaffel being toasted for you at the hut! And you are done for the day.

    DAY 2

    START ➡ MNYAMENI HUT - 11 km

    The day starts with a 3km climb. Take the marked short cut avoiding the detour to Geju Peak. It is then a 1km descent to the plateau (You can avoid crossing the slippery scree slope twice by keeping down the left side). The trail runs along the edge of the river valley before you descend the Mnyameni Gorge, passing countless waterfalls and crossing the river many times before emerging at Mnyameni Hut CP5.


    Leaving the hut, the trail crosses the stream and heads up Mnyameni Peak or what is also called Hog 3. Leaving the second forest patch the path climbs slowly through open veld with lovely views before crossing the Mnyameni ridge to descend into the Wolf River catchment area. The path through the open veld was recently cut but take care to stay on the correct track, looking for the yellow feet.

    Just past the first pool the Zingcuka Loop Trail links in with the Amathole. Here the Hobbit Mountain Marathon 42km route joins and you will start seeing the orange route markers that you will now follow all the way to the finish. Coming to a forest road you will proceed right up the road to CP6 and a basic watertable. CUT OFF is 12h15 (after which you will be directed on a shortcut.) The trail then runs along the edge of the cliffs for around 2km before a steep descent back into the natural forest and past Zingcuka hut, after which the path joins the road that leads to Hogsback. Follow the road for 1,5km and turn back onto the trail at the big Merrell banner for a very steep climb up to CP7 and watertable.

    CUT OFF here is 14h00. (Should you not make this time OR if the weather is awful and only under instruction of the official marshall, you will be directed to follow the forest road along the base of the Hog mountain to avoid the climb over the Hogsback peak).

    CP 7 ➡ CP 8 ➡ CP 9 ➡ CP 10 ➡ FINISH (Arminel Hotel) – 15 km

    Take water at the watertable or the small dam further along for your final stretch up the Hog as there is none from this point. From the small dam / river the path heads across the “flatter” section before beginning the final climb, which heads across the Hog at a gradual angle for 1.5km before switching back and heading back across. The path crosses the ridgeline of the Hog, offering great views of Hogsback before traversing along the base of the cliffs and descends to a short section along some cliff edges, leading you to the marshalls at CP8. It is vital that you check in with the marshall so we know you are off the mountain. From here you descend into the pine forests, passing CP9 at another watertable and traverse along the forest tracks on the mountain edge to CP10, descending to cross Kettlespout Falls where you will make the final descent through singletrack to the Arminel Hotel, beer and cheer.

  • Thursday 24 April 2025:

    - 16h30 – 18h30 – Registration and compulsory pre-race briefing

    Friday 25 April 2025:

    - 04h00 – Bus transport from Arminel Hotel to start line at Maden Dam

    - 06h00 – Start at Maden Dam

    Saturday 26 April 2025:

    - 05h00 – Start at Cata Hut

    - 19h00 – Prize-giving

    Sunday 27 April

    Free shake out run! Join your family and friend fanclub (who waited for you so patiently yesterday) on any one of the races on Sunday. There’s a 21, 10 and 5km on offer.

  • This is for your own safety and is not debatable.

    • Backpack

    • Water container min 2l.

    • Waterproof rain jacket (NOT just a wind breaker)

    • Base layer / Fleece – Top

    • Base layer – legs/pants

    • Buff / Beanie

    • Headlamp and spare battery

    • Whistle

    • Space blanket

    • Nutrition for the trail

    • Basic first aid kit

    • Cell phone – with emergency numbers programmed in

    • Compass

    • GPS is not compulsory but highly recommended.

    Recommended Equipment
    - Gaiters
    - Sunglasses
    - Sun block

    • Tog bag will be issued at registration and is the only bag that will be transported to Cata Hut

    • Sleeping bag (Warm. Does not have to fit in tog bag) and small pillow if you need
      We provide a clean fitted sheet for the hut mattress.

    • Towel

    • Personal toiletries

    • Earplugs are recommended

    • Warm clothing for the evening – expect very cold temperatures at night

    • Race clothing and trail food for Day 2

    • Power bank and cables to charge watch/gps unit and phone

      NOTE: Warm clothing used for the bus trip on Day 1 early morning to the start will be taken to Cata Hut but may only arrive late afternoon.

  • 90km Hobbit Journey Entry fee: R6,100 (includes VAT)

    • PRE ENTRIES ONLY and subject to application being approved

    • Entrants must be 18 years or older on race day

    What is Included:

    • Permit for the trail, hut and all other land access fees

    • Bus transport from Hogsback to the start (approx. 1hr45min)

    • A bed, possibly a hot shower, drinks, snacks, dinner and breakfast at Cata Hut for the midway overnight stay on Friday

    • Tog bag for overnight gear (issued at registration)

    • Transport of tog bag to Cata Hut

    • Paramedic team on site in 4 X 4 vehicle

    • Freshly made burger at the finish

    • Tree sapling to donate to the restoration site of the Cape Parrot Project

    • Personalised finisher’s memento

    What is NOT included:

    • Dinner after Briefing and Prize-giving

    • Accommodation before or after the event

  • • Entry fee: Full entry fee is R6,100. A non-refundable deposit payment of R1,850 will be required within three days of entering in order to secure your booking. The remainder of the entry fee will be due by the 31 January 2025. Please email to discuss if you would like to pay in instalments.

    • Refunds: 70% refund of total entry fee possible up until 25th January 2025 (3 months before the event) following a written notification of withdrawal.

    Please note: most of our costs for this event are incurred and committed to long before you even start training. As such, it is to both our benefit that a substitute is found and we have a very fair substitution policy:

    • Substitutions are possible up to 12h00 Friday 11th April 2025 (2 weeks before the event) with a fee of R800. Substitutions must be offered to the wait list first.

    • Should the event scheduled for the 25 – 27 April 2025 be postponed due to National Restrictions, entries will be transferred to the rescheduled event or the 2026 Hobbit Trail Runs.

    • Tog bag and gift items included in race entry are only for those who compete in the event and will not be handed to third party recipients should you withdraw before the event.
    In other words - you EARN your Hobbit Journey T-shirt, you do not simply buy it!

    • This Journey is a serious challenge even to a mountain goat. Due to the nature of the trail this event should be considered extreme.


    • There will be emergency services with 4×4 vehicles on the course but be aware that they could take several hours to reach an injured runner – hence the compulsory equipment.

    • Helicopter evacuation, or any hospitalization transport or hospitalization, which will be at the athlete’s cost.

    • Should the race medic declare any participant unfit to continue, he or she must withdraw from the event.

Good to Know

  • Fastest times are around 6 hours per day. Most folk are on trail for between 7 and 15 hours each day – see previous results for split times.  

  • The route is marked as a hiking trail and not specifically for the race except in some sections. GPX tracks and maps will be mailed to entrants.

  • Runners must be self-sufficient on the trail. No seconding. Overnight bag is transported to Cata Hut and Finish.

  • There is plenty of potable water available from natural waterways along the trail.

  • Runners must stick to the trail route. No short cuts are allowed.

  • There are checkpoints, kit checks and friendly faces along the way.

  • We want everybody to cross the finish line. There are cut off times at places along the route, after which shorter emergency routes must be followed. This does not disqualify you.

  • There is a sweeper. Meet Mike Webb.

Entry fee: R6,100
(incl VAT)

Limited to 35 runners

If you don’t get in this year, tackle the 42km Mountain Marathon on the Saturday and support the Journey folk as they return.